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Stefano Tofanelli, Portrait of Élisa Baciocchi. Lucca, Palazzo Orsetti
Stefano Tofanelli, Portrait of Élisa Baciocchi. Lucca, Palazzo Orsetti

Friday 1 February 2013 will take place from 9:00 am to Lucca, Palazzo Ducale in Piazza Napoleone, the Conference final the project BONESPRIT with interventions from partners and experts.

In the afternoon, from 15:00 to 17:00, followed by an Educational tour dedicated to the Napoleonic places of the city of Lucca.

See the detailed program of the day in the annex.

For more information:
Province of Lucca
Service Presidency Culture and School for Peace
Piazza Napoleone - Courtyard Carrara 1
55100 Lucca
ph. +39 0583 417965
bonesprit@provincia.lucca.it - ufficioeuropa1@provincia.lucca.it
